TUTORIAL: How to replace or remove EGR Valve on the N47, N57 BMW 3 Series F30, F31 20d & 30d

In this video tutorial you will see how to replace or remove the EGR Valve on the 2.0 diesel and 3.0 diesel N47 and N57 engines from the BMW 3-Series F30, F31, E90, E91, E92, E93, BMW 1 Series E81, E82, E88, F20, 5 Series E60, E61, F10, F11, F07, 6 Series F12, F13, 7 Series F01, F02, F03 , F04, X1 E84, X3 E83, F25, X5 E70, X6 E71, E72.

The first malfunction message I got on car display was “Drivetrain – Continue the journey at a moderate speed. Full performance not available. Have the problem checked by Service.”

First I used a car diagnostic tool and got the following DTC or fault codes:

  • 272E00 – Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve, Plausibility: Mechanically Faulty, Near Closed Position

  • And 255C00 – Exhaust Gas Recirculation Actuator, Position Control Valve Too Far, Open / Negative Control Deviation.

Here we have a 2013 BMW 3 Series F30 with the well-known N47 2.0 Diesel engine with I will replace the EGR valve.

Tools and parts needed:

– T30 Torx: https://amzn.to/4arkBpU

– Flat blade screwdriver: https://amzn.to/3PIPpZA

– 6 mm socket: https://amzn.to/3PM8cmT

– EGR Valve: https://amzn.to/42qWa9Z 

1. Open the hood and remove the plastic cover from the engine.

The EGR valve is located in front of the engine, on the right side.

2. Remove the plastic hose by pressing the clips on the sides.

Clog the bottom hole with something to prevent certain objects or impurities from entering inside.

3. Remove the cable support using a Torx T30.

4. Remove the two screws from the EGR Valve using a Torx T30.

5. Remove the air filter housing from the engine (disconnect the hose from it).

6. Disconnect the plug from the flow meter using a flat blade screwdriver.

The flow meter plug is removed as follows: lift the gray side using a flat blade screwdriver and then press on the clamp and at the same time pull the plug out.

7. Loosen the clamp from the air hose using a 6 mm socket or a flat blade screwdriver.

8. Remove the air filter housing from the engine.

Cover the air hose with something to prevent dirt or impurities from getting inside.

9. Disconnect the plug from the EGR valve. Proceed in the same way as with the air flow mass meter plug: lift the gray side using a flat blade screwdriver and then press the clip and at the same time pull the plug out.

Unscrew the cap from the coolant container and then tighten it back to relieve the pressure on the EGR valve pipes.

10. Loosen the clamp on the hose from the egr valve and remove it.

You can put a collecting container under the hose to avoid spilling antifreeze on the engine.

11. Loosen the clamp on the rear hose and remove it from the egr valve.

12. Remove EGR valve from the engine and install the new EGR.

13. Put the new EGR valve in correct position and connect the rear hose.

Tighten the clamp on the rear hose that goes into the EGR valve.

14. Put back the EGR valve screws.

15. Put back the front EGR valve hose and tighten the clamp.

16. Put back the cables on the brackets and connect the EGR valve plug back.

17. Put back the screw on the cable bracket.

18. Put back the plastic hose.

19. Put back the engine air filter housing and tighten the clamp on the air hose.

Check the antifreeze level. If necessary, top up.

20. Put the engine cover back.

If you have any other suggestions for new videos with the BMW 3 Series F30, write to us in the comments section below!

The EGR valve replacement procedure is also valid for BMW 1 Series E81, E82, E88, F20, 3 Series E90, E91, E92, E93, F30, 5 Series E60, E61, F10, F11, F07, 6 Series F12, F13, 7 Series F01, F02, F03, F04, X1 E84, X3 E83, F25, X5 E70, X6 E71, E72.

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If you have other ideas for new BMW tutorials, write to us in the comments section!

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