TUTORIAL: Locatie si semnificatie / explicatie Tablou Sigurante si Relee BMW X6 F16 (2015-2020)
Daca vreti sa stiti unde se afla si ce semnificatie au tablourile de sigurante si relee la BMW X6 F16 (2015-2020), urmariti tutorialul video de mai jos.
AICI gasesti Accesorii Tuning pentru BMW X6 la preturi promotionale: –-
BMW X6 F16 are doua tablouri de sigurante, unul se afla sub torpedou iar celalalt se afla in portbagaj pe partea dreapta a masinii.
Mai jos gasiti schema ambelor tablouri de sigurante si relee de la BMW X6 F16 2015-2020:
Explicatia tabloului de sigurante de sub torpedou la BMW X6 M50D F16 2015-2020:
siguranta |
(Amperi) |
Semnificatie |
19 | 5 | Remote Control Receiver |
20 | 5 | Panou control trapa plafon |
21 | 5 | Modul (calculator) preincalzire |
22 | 7.5 | Modul switch usa sofer, Oglinda exterioara pasager / Driver’s Door Switch Block, Passenger Exterior Mirror |
23 | 10 | Calculator motor modul DME (Digital Motor Electronics) |
24 | 10 | Modul de control al transmisiei automate |
25 | 5 | Touchbox, iDrive Controller |
26 | 5 | Difuzor plansa bord, Spate stanga si dreapta buton incalzire scaune |
27 | 10 | Sofer si pasager panou control suport lombar / Buton ajustare scaun sofer si pasager / Driver & Passenger Lumbar Support Valve Block, Driver’s & Passenger’s Side Seat Adjustment Switch |
28 | 5 | Senzor ploaie, lumina, soare, condens, Panou control plafon, Lampi parasolare |
29 | 15 | Pompa apa auxiliara |
30 | 10 | Pompa de racire pentru racirea aerului / Coolant Pump for Charge Air Cooler |
31 | 5 | Releu electroventilator / Electric Fan Cut-Out Relay |
32 | 5 | Cutie de transfer / Transfer Box |
33 | 5 | N63, S63: Pompa racire turbina / N63, S63: Turbocharger Coolant Pump |
5 | N20: A/C compresor, Incalzire auxiliara electrica / N20: A/C Compressor (Electrical), Electric Auxiliary Heater | |
34 | 5 | Modul ICM (Integrated Chassis Management) |
35 | 5 | Oglinda retrovizoare interioara electrocromata |
36 | 20 | Priza 12V, bricheta de pe centru |
37 | 20 | Priza 12V, bricheta fata |
38 | 20 | Panou control plafon |
39 | 15 | Far stanga |
40 | – | – |
41 | 10 | S63: Pompa de racire pentru racirea aerului / S63: Coolant Pump for Charge Air Cooler |
10 | N20: Supapa torpedou refrigerant, Modul electric / Electric-Machine Electronics (EME) | |
42 | 5 | Oglinda retrovizoare interioara electrocromata, Sistemul Electronic Damper Control |
43 | 5 | Sistemul Dynamic Light Spot far stanga si dreapta / Left & Right Targeted Illumination |
44 | 7.5 | Camera video asistenta sofer (KAFAS), Servodirectie activa / Active Steering |
45 | 5 | Pilot automat activ (Active Cruise Control ACC), Automatic Air Recirculation Control Sensor (AUC) |
46 | 5 | Modul grila activa radiator / Radiator Shutter Drive Unit |
5 | B47, N47, N57: Engine Breather Heater, Modul grila activa radiator (Radiator Shutter Drive Unit) | |
47 | 5 | Modul electronic pentru sistemul Night Vision (NVE), Generator de sunet (VSG) |
48 | 10 | Bloc manete volan (semnalizare si stergatoare) / Steering Column Switch Center |
49 | 5 | Spira (spirala) Volan |
5 | N57D30T1: Supapa pentru Rezervor Antiger, Spira (spirala) Volan / Shutoff Valve for Coolant Expansion Tank, Steering Angle Sensor | |
50 | 5 | Ceasuri bord (instrumentar de bord) |
51 | – | – |
52 | 7.5 | Ceasuri bord (instrumentar de bord) |
53 | 5 | Lampa torpedou, Lumini ambientale, Lampi buzunare usi, Lampi fete usi, Lampi Footwell stanga si dreapta |
54 | 10 | Selector cutie de viteze / Gear Selector Switch (GWS) |
55 | 5 | Sistemul Servotronic (SVT), Servodirectie electromecanica / Electromechanical Power Steering (EPS) |
56 | 5 | Sistemul Vertical Dynamics Management (VDM) |
57 | 20 | Far stanga |
58 | 30 | Sistemul Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) |
59 | 40 | Active Steering |
60 | 40 | Blower Output Stage |
61 | 20 | Sistemul Electronic Damper Control |
62 | 30 | →06.2016: Vertical Dynamics Management (VDM) |
20 | 07.2016→: Vertical Dynamics Management (VDM) | |
63 | 30 | Transfer Box (VTG) |
64 | 30 | Modul incalzire scaun pasager |
65 | 30 | Modul incalzire scaun sofer |
66 | 20 | Incalzire auxiliara independenta |
67 | 30 | Butoane ajustare scaun sofer (fara modul SMFA), Modul scaun sofer (SMFA) |
68 | 30 | Butoane ajustare scaun pasager (fara modul (SMBF)), Modul scaun pasager (SMBF) |
69 | 20 | Sistemul Electronic Transmission Control (EGS) |
70 | 20 | Reglaj electric coloana de directie / Electric Steering Column Adjustment |
Explicatia tabloului de sigurante din portbagaj la BMW X6 M50D F16 2015-2020:
position |
(Ampere) |
Symbol / Semnification |
100 | 5 | Buton frana de mana |
101 | 15 | Far dreapta |
102 | 5 | High-Voltage Battery Unit |
103 | 5 | Alarma / Siren with Tilt Alarm Sensor |
104 | 5 | Modul frana de mana / Natural Vacuum Leak Detection (NVLD) |
105 | 30 | Reversible Electromotive Automatic Reel (Right) |
106 | 30 | Rear Axle Lateral Torque Distribution |
107 | 40 | Automatic Luggage Compartment Lid Actuation (>07.2016), Tailgate Function Module (08.2016>) |
108 | – | – |
109 | – | – |
110 | 40 | Releu compresor suspensie aer / Air Suspension Compressor Relay |
111 | – | – |
112 | 20 | Modul presurizare rezervor combustibil |
113 | 30 | Modul carlig remorcare |
114 | 30 | Modul carlig remorcare |
115 | 20 | Far dreapta |
116 | 30 | Modul frana de mana |
117 | 30 | Reversible Electromotive Automatic Reel (Left) |
118 | 5 | Video Switch (VSW) |
119 | – | – |
120 | 5 | Modul unitate control / Power Control Unit |
5 | N20: Charging Controller for Auxiliary Battery | |
121 | 20 | Display central |
122 | 30 | Amplificator audio |
123 | – | – |
124 | 5 | Modul video |
125 | – | – |
126 | 10 | Usi spate cu inchidere soft-close |
127 | 5 | Magazie DVD / CD |
128 | 5 | Suport depozitare cotiera cu incarcare wireless, Amplificator antena, Suport telefon |
129 | 15 | Modul amplificator sunet / Active Sound Design (ASD) |
130 | 5 | Haion portbagaj cu inchidere automata |
131 | 5 | Lampa portbagaj, Buton deschidere portbagaj situat in portbagaj, Filtru zgomot / Noise Suppressor Filter |
132 | 5 | Repartizare cuplu lateral punte spate, Modul ajustare suspensie pe inaltime / Rear Axle Lateral Torque Distribution, Electronic Ride Height Control |
133 | 5 | Panou comanda grile ventilatie AC spate |
134 | 5 | Portiera sofer cu inchidere automata soft-close |
135 | 5 | Safety Battery Terminal Gas Generator |
136 | – | – |
137 | – | – |
138 | – | – |
139 | 20 | Priza carlig remorcare |
140 | 20 | Haion / Broasca haion |
141 | – | – |
142 | – | – |
143 | 10 | Cool Box Relay |
144 | 15 | Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Control Unit |
145 | 5 | Senzori parcare, Infotainment Fan №2 |
146 | 15 | Electrical Exhaust Flap (№1, №2) |
147 | 15 | Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Control Unit |
148 | 5 | Sistem de avertizare la schimbarea benzii de rulare / Lane Change Warning (SWW) |
149 | 7.5 | Far dreapta |
150 | 5 | →06.2016: Contact-Free Tailgate Opening Evaluation Electronics, Convenience Charging Electronics |
7.5 | 07.2016→: Contact-Free Tailgate Opening Evaluation Electronics, Convenience Charging Electronics, Tailgate Function Module | |
151 | 5 | USB-HUB (USB Connection №1/№2, AUX-In Connection) |
152 | 5 | Reversible Electromotive Automatic Reel (Left/Right) |
153 | 15 | Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Control Unit |
154 | 5 | Camera video de jur imprejur All-Round (TRSVC), Camera marsarier |
155 | 10 | Portiera pasager cu inchidere automata soft-close |
156 | 10 | Portiera sofer cu inchidere automata soft-close |
157 | – | – |
158 | 10 | Monitoare tetiere spate |
159 | 5 | Amplificator audio / Infotainment Fan №2 |
160 | 20 | Aeroterma sistem climatizare pentru pasagerii spate |
161 | – | – |
162 | 20 | Bricheta, priza 12V spate (1 si 2) si portbagaj |
163 | 30 | Modul carlig remorcare |
164 | 30 | Modul incalzire scaun dreapta spate |
165 | 20 | Pompa combustibil / Fuel Pump Control (EKPS) |
166 | 30 | Modul incalzire scaun stanga spate |
167 | 30 | Portiera sofer cu inchidere automata soft-close , Portiera pasager cu inchidere automata soft-close |
Explicatie tablou relee (BDC) la BMW X6 M50D F16:
position |
(Ampere) |
Symbol / Semnification |
14 | 30 | Modul motoras geam usa pasager |
13 | 30 | Modul motoras geam usa stanga spate |
12 | 20 | Broasca usa pasager fata |
11 | 30 | Broasca usa sofer fata |
10 | 30 | Dezaburire luneta / Rear Window Defogger |
9 | 30 | Modul motoras geam usa dreapta spate |
8 | 20 | Broasca usa sofer |
7 | – | – |
6 | 5 | Buton reglaj coloana directie volan, Bloc lumini, Sistem asistenta sofer cu avertizare avarii / Steering Column Switch Center, Light Switch Unit, Driver Assistance System Operating Facility with Hazard Warning Switch |
5 | 7.5 | Far stanga |
4 | 7.5 | Mufa diagnoza, Sistem climatronic AC, Sistem Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) |
3 | 5 | Modul manere exterioare portiere / Telematic Communication Box |
2 | 15 | Claxon (inalte si joase) |
1 | – | – |
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