TUTORIAL: How to remove / replace H7 low beam bulb on BMW 5 Series F10 (2011-2017) in 8 steps
Here is a video tutorial on how to remove or replace headlight bulb H7 low beam on BMW 5 Series F10 (2011-2017) in 8 simple steps.
You can find Phiips H7 CrystalVision Ultra Upgraded Bright White Headlight Bulb Low Beam for BMW 5 SERIES F10 HERE: https://amzn.to/2VobwIC
HERE you can find HELLA H7 Standard Halogen Bulbs Low Beam for BMW 5 SERIES F10: https://amzn.to/3qidcS9
Required tools:
– H7 headlight bulb
– Philips screwdriver
We’ll change the low beam light bulb from the right side headlight.
1. Turn the steering wheel conterclockwise to create more space behind the right wheel
If you want to replace it from the left headlight, then you have to turn the steering wheel clockwise.
2. Remove those 2 bolts using a Philips screwdriver
Now you have acces behind the headlight and you can replace the turn signal light bulb, the low beam headlight bulb and the TMS module.
3. Remove the round plastic cap turning it counter clockwise
4. Take the light bulb out
Twist counter clockwise the bulb holder to take the headlight bulb out.
5. Remove the light bulb and replace it with a new H7 light bulb
It’s better to wear latex gloves when you change the bulb, otherwise, you may shorten the bulb’s life with the grease from your hands.
6. Place back the bulb holder and twisted clockwise
7. Put the round plastic cap back on the headlight
8. Place back the plastic cap and put those two screws back.
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